Tuesday, August 23, 2011

8 Day Sabbatical

I haven't cooked in 6 days, I won't be cooking for the next 2.  I think this is the longest I've ever not cooked dinner.  I miss cooking but I miss our dear Maddie more. 

Maddie (our very sick doggie I mentioned last night) passed away while at the vet last night.  We found out this morning and it threw a wrench in all of today's plans.

Rest in Peace Maddie Mae

I had every intention of cooking dinner, I was really looking forward to cooking too.  The boys and I had to pick Jon up from work and then we stopped by Barnes and Noble on the way home.  By the time we left Barnes and Noble it was 6:00pm, it was hot and we were all hungry and cranky.  To top things off Eli refused to go into his car seat.  His new game is to throw a world class fit when we try to put him in his car seat.  He screamed and cried for 20 minutes today on the short drive to lunch, this was after fighting for 10 minutes to get him in his car seat.  I didn't have the energy to fight him again. 

We made a split second decision to eat out.  Where you may ask, Cucina Cucina.  Why there?  Because it was the only restaurant in the parking lot.  It's not our favorite place to eat, but we were all happier an hour later and everyone got in the car happily.

I'm not cooking tomorrow night, my Mom's in town for a quick visit so we're eating out, or Thursday night, Farmer's Market night.  So hopefully life will be a little more settled and I'll be back on Friday with some yummy recipes.

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