Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tools of the Trade-- the Spider

No cooking for me tonight, it was Farmer's Market night! So instead I'll share another one of my favorite tools, the spider.
Not the best picture.  Our spider is pretty long, about 14 inches so it was hard to get a good picture of it by myself.

Side View

The spider is super useful.  I use it mainly for fishing food out of hot oil and hot water.  It's great for blanching spinach (for sauteed spinach) and retrieving ravioli out of hot water.  The spider allows you to use the same pot of hot water for multiple batches of spinach.  With the spider ravioli don't burst open from being dumped out of hot water.

Spider action shots:

My only complaint about the spider is it's size.  It's so large it doesn't fit in my utensil drawer and I have to store it in a cabinet.  I continually forget where I keep it, even though it's been in the same place since I've owned it.  (Oh the joys of Mommy brain!)  It would fit fine in a counter top utensil tub, but we don't have one of those. :)

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